Fall Fandango 2015

Fall Fandango is a weekend retreat every fall for junior high students. It's a really great time to catch up with friends from camp, meet new people, and connect with God in the midst of all the chaos during the school-year! 

•    Where: Fall Fandango takes place at Camp Couchdale which is located just outside of Hot Springs, AR

•    Who Attends: The retreat is for those who are currently in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.

•    Who Leads: All programming is run by ministers and lay leaders from the Great River Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This region includes churches in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. All camp staff undergoes a background check. Camp Couchdale also employs facility staff for dining and maintenance.

•    How Much: FCC & WaterWay will pay HALF THE FEE of attending for each youth. If more financial support is needed, please talk to Cody Robertson. If a family wants to pay the whole fee, you are more than welcome to do so! MONEY SHOULD NOT BE A DETERRENT FROM ATTENDING FALL FANDANGO!

•    When: Fall Fandango begins on Friday, October 9th at 9 pm and goes until the morning on Sunday, October 11th. To avoid a late fee, all forms must be turned in to the church by September 27th, 2015.

•    Transportation: We take church vans down to Couchdale. Once you register, you will get definite details about transportation.

The leadership at FCC & WaterWay believes that retreats are an integral part of our children and youth activities, and we strongly affirm the camping programs of the Great River Region! Feel free to ask any other questions that might arise!