A Meditation on Psalm 25

“O Lord, I give my life to you,

 I trust in you, my God!”


The opening words of Psalm 25 have been my signature scripture for many years, the words I turn to when I am in need of guidance, comfort, or courage. They are powerful words, made more powerful by the many times I have prayed them. The repetition has laid down a groove in my brain that leads straight to a place of connection with God, bypassing the distractions that often get in the way.


That’s how it works some of the time, anyway. Other times, my fear is so intense that all I can do is stammer the words, hoping God is there to hear me.


“Turn to me and have mercy,

 for I am alone and in deep distress.

My problems go from bad to worse.

 Oh, save me from them all!”


I usually laugh when I get to these words, because they are so melodramatic. But that’s how fear feels, isn’t it? All encompassing. No room for God. And that’s the problem. Fear crowds God out of our minds.


God is always in our hearts. Trust asks us to remember that, and to turn, again and again, to the source of all love.


“Show me the right path, O Lord;

 point out the road for me to follow.

Lead me by your truth and teach me,

 for you are the God who saves me.

All day long I put my hope in you.”


                                                          (Psalm 25: 1, 16-17, 4-5, New Living Translation)

Do you have a favorite scripture you turn to in times of trouble? How do the words help you return to love?