“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8)
One of the scripture verses we used today is this familiar one from Psalm 38. So what does it mean to “taste and see” the goodness of God? Among other things, it means that faith is not just about what you believe. It’s not just about what you think. Soul-centered, life-giving faith is also experiential. There is a taste to it.
The truth is, some people seem to have better spiritual “taste buds” for detecting the sweet goodness of God’s presence among us. But I also think we develop that sense of taste the more we use it. While many of us dislike vegetables as children, most of us develop a taste for them as we mature; our physical palette develops over time. Likewise, our spiritual palette can be developed. But in order for us to “taste and see,” we must savor the moments we are in.
If we develop our spiritual taste buds enough, no matter our setting or circumstance, we can recognize the sweet aroma and flavor of the Divine… because the truth is, life is drenched in the Holy.
So in this coming week, when you sit and drink your morning coffee… when you find yourself waiting in the car line at school, or in traffic on the way to work… when you have to clean up yet another mess from your pets, or your kids, or pick up after your spouse… when your boss fails to show you the respect you deserve… when the little color wheel is spinning on your computer screen… when there are more tasks to do than time to do them… when you are exhausted and overwhelmed… when you find yourself laughing or crying, talking or thinking, watching or praying, worshipping or working or exercising... in all of your doing and with all your being, make it your desire to encounter the Divine.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.