One of the things we emphasized in Sunday’s message was the need for us to feed on delight. We can find delight in every moment, as Richard Rohr writes:
“Love can flow toward you in every moment: through a flower, in a grain of sand, in a wisp of cloud, in any one person whom you allow to delight you. You might be experiencing this flow of love when you find yourself smiling at things for no apparent reason.
Spiritual joy has nothing to do with anything ‘going right.’ It has everything to do with things going, and going on within you. It’s an inherent, inner aliveness. Joy is almost entirely an inside job. Joy is not first determined by the object enjoyed as much as by the prepared eye of the enjoyer.
When the flow is flowing, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. You don’t have to be a priest on the altar or a preacher in a pulpit... You can be a homemaker in a grocery store or a construction worker at a work site; it doesn’t matter. It’s all inherently sacred and deeply satisfying. As the nineteenth-century poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning put it, “Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God.”
All is whole and holy in the very seeing, because you are standing inside the One Flow of Love... This is all that there really is. Call it Consciousness, call it God, call it Love; this is the Ground of all Being out of which all things—and especially all good things—come.
The river is already flowing, and you are in it whether you are enjoying it or not.”
Daily prayer: Lord, help me enjoy the flow of life.