As yesterday’s reflections touched upon, letting go - releasing control - is the essence of soul surrender. But obviously letting go is easier said than done. It is often difficult to let go because we find security in the status quo. Even if we wish we had something different, we know what we have now, and we have learned to make it work… sort of. Even if we wish we had something different, there is a strange sense of comfort in what we have, and we may fear (consciously or subconsciously) that if we let it go, we will be left with something less than that to which we currently cling. The key to overcoming that fear is security. So as we close out this week on surrender, I’d like to reflect today upon internal security, and tomorrow to reflect upon external security.
When it comes to ‘security’ in our society, we are usually focused upon establishing and maintaining our security from others, from forces or people outside of ourselves. But soul-centered security comes from within - and I would argue it is more essential than any kind of external security. Ultimately, I believe our greatest internal security is found in knowing that we are loved and worthy of that love. There is nothing so powerful in all of life than knowing that we are loved and worthy of it.
The essence of the soul-centered life, the essence of the spiritual walk, is living in Love. As 1 John 4:8 declares, God is love - so to live in love is to live in God. To recognize the love I’ve been given, and my worthiness of receiving it, is to recognize the Divine Gift and the Divine Image within me. And once I know that - once I truly know that - it gives me a security which cannot be threatened from without. Moreover, the recognition of that love and my own lovability frees me to accept myself, which I must be able to do before I can more fully become my true self. As Thomas Merton wrote, “Real self-conquest is the conquest of ourselves not by ourselves but by the Holy Spirit. Self-conquest is really self-surrender. Yet before we can surrender ourselves we must become ourselves. For no one can give up what he does not possess.”
God is Love, and you are created in God’s image. You are created in the image of Love. Divine Love lies at the heart of who you are, which means you - YOU - are worthy. You are worthy of God’s Love.
In that, you can rest secure.